Our Insurance Claim Bad Faith Legal Blog
The Voss Law Firm, P.C. maintains an award winning blog about legal issues and other developments related to commercial and business insurance litigation, business claims, insurance litigation, first party insurance claims, and bad faith claims. Our experienced litigation attorneys provide a full range of legal services to businesses, property owners and individuals in Texas and around the world.
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Are Tornadoes Forecast for January 2022?High Risk for January Tornadoes -in Texas, and throughout the South. Tornado Insurance Claims. Dallas, Houston, Bryan, Beaumont, Tyler, Longview.
It’s Football Season! Question: Is My Insurance Company On My Team?Don't you need a "Aaron Rodgers" on your side when battling the insurance carrier? Don't even consider going on the field if you don't have a very good quarterback on your team.
Increasing Frequency of Weather Events - What's Going On?Extreme weather events are resulting in massive property damage with waves of underpayments, denials, and the delays by insurance carriers across the southern US.
3 Ways Churches Run Into Insurance Claim Trouble After Damaging HailChurches may not be prepared for the ways insurance companies fight their hail damage claims, and they often run into one of these three major problems.
How to Protect Your Brand BEFORE Disaster StrikesYou should be prepared to act in the case that an adverse event strikes your company. This means protecting your brand as well as protecting your business.
Policyholder Attorney Bill Voss Discusses the Difference Between a Replacement Cost and Actual Cost Insurance PolicyYour insurance company may require you to declare the specific property before it can be covered. Know the difference between Actual Cost and Replacement Cost.
The Voss Law Firm, P.C. represents clients on a local, national and international basis. We proudly serve companies and individuals along the Gulf Coast and around the globe on a contingency fee basis. Our law firm collects nothing unless we recover on our client's behalf.